Welcome to Changing Courses 11

Ever felt like you were on a treadmill, hustling day in and day out, but not really getting anywhere? That was my wife, Hannah, and me a few years back. We were living in Nashville, working our tails off, paycheck to paycheck. Hannah tried her hand at MLMs, while I gave being a handyman a shot. We were chasing the dream, but it felt like the dream was chasing us.

Looking back, we realized a lot of our struggles came down to one thing: knowledge. We were diving headfirst into business without really understanding the basics. We made choices based on gut feelings and emotions, and let's just say, it was a rollercoaster ride - one we could have done without!

That's when it hit us: what if we could save others from going through the same learning curve? What if we could equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge they needed to make smart, calculated decisions? And just like that, Changing Courses 11 was born.

We're not here to sell you any get-rich-quick schemes. We're here to give you the tools and resources you need to build a solid foundation for your business. We offer top-notch educational courses and marketing strategies, because we truly believe that knowledge is power.

With Changing Courses 11, you won't have to rely on guesswork or gut feelings. You'll have the confidence to make informed decisions that will set you up for success. So, if you're ready to ditch the emotional rollercoaster and start making real progress towards your business dreams, we're here to help. Join us on this journey, and let's change your course together.


Education in Crisis: The Rise of Opinion Over Truth