Please make sure that you are reading the whole agreement. That you understand the agreement. And that you are willing to comply with the terms of the agreement. 
This is agreement is up-to-date as of August 25th, 2024.


This agreement (“Agreement”) is between you (the “Affiliate” and “you” and “your”)

and us (“Changing Courses 11” and “Roadmap Exclusive”) (collectively referred to

as “The Parties”) and governs your participation in the Roadmap Exclusive Affiliate

Program (“Affiliate Program”). The terms and conditions herein ensure the mutual

success and understanding of The Parties.

1. NATURE OF PARTNERSHIP. The Affiliate is deemed an independent

contractor per this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed

to create a partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship of any kind

between the Parties. The Affiliate is solely responsible for all taxes,

withholdings, fees, or other statutory or contractual obligations incurred

under this Agreement. The Affiliate does not have the power or authority to

contract or bind Changing Courses 11, LLC in any way.

2. NON-EXCLUSIVITY. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive relationship

between the Affiliate and Changing Courses 11. The Affiliate shall have the

right to work with other products or be an affiliate of other companies.

Changing Courses 11 shall have the right to work with other affiliates in

conjunction with the Roadmap Exclusive course and any other product

related to.

3. AFFILIATE PROGRAM. Changing Courses 11 operates an affiliate

marketing program (“Affiliate Program”) that allows third party Affiliates to

advertise, promote, and market Changing Courses 11’s product, the Roadmap

Exclusive, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. In exchange for

advertising, promotion, and marketing, Affiliates are paid a commission on

sales of the Roadmap Exclusive generated by the Affiliates.

The Affiliate Program is hosted through, a third-party platform

used to manage and sell the Roadmap Exclusive courses. Affiliates may be

required to sign up for their own account on in order to access the

Roadmap Exclusive courses and may be subject to separate terms and

conditions for their use of, its website, and its services.

Changing Courses 11, LLC is partnered with Stan Store, an affiliate platform

that will house the Affiliate Program. Stan Store will be responsible for

actions including, but not limited to, tracking affiliate sales and earnings and2

processing and paying out earned commissions. Affiliates may be subject to

separate terms and conditions for their use of Stan Store, its website, and its


Upon joining the Affiliate Program, Affiliates will be given a link in which

they can use to advertise, promote, and market Roadmap Exclusive. When a

customer purchases Roadmap Exclusive through the Affiliate’s link, it will be

tracked and attributed to the Affiliate through Stan Store according to their

terms and conditions and commissions earned will be paid out to Affiliate per

Section 4 of this Agreement.

4. COMMISSIONS AND PAYMENTS. The Affiliate Program is a Pay-Per-

Sale commission structure; Affiliates earn a commission for each sale

generated through their affiliate link. Affiliates will earn a one-time sale

commission rate equal to 80% of the purchase price of Roadmap Exclusive.

An Affiliate becomes eligible to receive a commission when the customer has

completed the purchase of Roadmap Exclusive. Commissions are considered

earned once the refund period has lapsed and payment to the Affiliate has

been processed.

Sales of the Roadmap Exclusive and commissions earned by Affiliates are

processed by Stan Store. Commissions earned will be split at the time of sale

and held per the terms and conditions of Stan Store.

Changing Courses 11 offers customers a three (3) day buyer’s remorse period

for Roadmap Exclusive in which the customer can submit a request for a

refund if the product does not live up to the standards expected. If a

customer’s refund request is granted, the Affiliate will not earn commission

for that sale. Initiating chargebacks may be considered fraudulent if initiated

after the refund period has expired. Please refer to Changing Courses 11,

LLC’s Refund Policy for any questions or concerns related to refunds.

5. LINK AND BRAND PROMOTION TERMS. Affiliates agree to the

following terms and conditions in their advertising, marketing, and

promotion of their affiliate link and the Roadmap Exclusive brand:

a. Affiliates shall not make income or lifestyle claims of any kind

including, but not limited to, claims of how much income the Affiliate

has derived from the Affiliate Program, items, experiences, or services

Affiliate was able to purchase using income derived from the Affiliate

Program, or any other advertising, marketing, or promotion related to3

monies or lifestyle associated with income derived from the Affiliate

Program. This undermines the integrity of Roadmap Exclusive and

the mission of Changing Courses 11, LLC to encourage customers to

build something of value rather than chasing a particular income or


b. Affiliates shall not advertise, promote, or market their affiliate link on

image sharing media websites such as Pinterest, Houzz, Snap, or any

similar websites.

c. Affiliates shall not advertise, promote, or market their affiliate link on

any e-commerce websites including, but not limited to, Etsy, Ebay, or


d. Affiliates shall not advertise, promote, or market their affiliate link on

any online course platform including, but not limited to, Teachable,

Kajabi, or Coursera.

e. Affiliates shall not advertise, promote, or market their affiliate link on

any website whose terms and conditions expressly prohibit the

advertising, promotion, or marketing of affiliate links.

f. Affiliates shall not sell the Roadmap Exclusive in a bundle with any

other digital or physical products without the prior written consent of

Changing Courses 11, LLC.

g. Affiliate shall not provide cashback offers or giveback offers of any

kind related to their advertisement, promotion, and marketing of their

affiliate link for Roadmap Exclusive or their participation in the

Affiliate Program.

6. PROHIBITED USES. Affiliates, and customers of Roadmap Exclusive shall

not participate in acts including, but not limited to, livestreaming, streaming

of any kind outside the Roadmap Exclusive Agreement or on any other

platform, screen recording or filming on any device, or downloading of

Roadmap Exclusive courses without the prior written consent of Changing

Courses 11, LLC.

7. AFFILIATE LINK. Changing Courses 11, LLC is not responsible for a

customer clicking on the wrong link or clicking on multiple links. If an

Affiliate’s link is not working properly, you will need to visit4 and submit a form. Changing Courses 11 does

not guarantee an Affiliate a response to an inquiry if it is submitted outside

of the applicable form. Changing Courses 11 will do its best to resolve

inquiries within 3-5 business days from submission of an inquiry.


a. This Agreement shall be valid and enforceable for as long as the

Affiliate participates in the Affiliate Program or until the Affiliate’s

status is terminated.

b. Either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause by giving

fifteen (15) days written notice to the other party.

c. Changing Courses 11, LLC may terminate this Agreement

immediately with cause due to events including, but not limited to, (i)

your material breach of this Agreement so long as Changing Courses

11 provides Affiliate with written notice of material breach and

Affiliate does not cure the material breach within ten (10) days of

receiving notice, (ii) your failure to uphold applicable federal, state, or

local laws, rules, regulations, or guidelines related to the Affiliate

Program or your advertising, promotion, or marketing of products

within the Affiliate Program, (iii) your failure to agree to updated

terms and conditions in this Agreement, or (iv) any actions that may

negatively reflect on Changing Courses 11, LLC, its owners,

employees, agents, or products.

d. If this Agreement was terminated by Changing Courses 11, LLC with

cause, the Affiliate may apply for reinstatement by application and

proof of cure of the cause for original termination.

e. All commission payments due and owed to an Affiliate whose

Agreement has been terminated will be paid out according to Section 4

of this Agreement.

f. Upon termination of this Agreement, all rights and licenses granted to

Affiliate hereunder shall be revoked immediately. Termination of this

Agreement does not relieve either party of any ongoing obligations

under this Agreement including, but not limited to, confidential

information, intellectual property, payment of commissions, and5


9. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY. Changing Courses 11, LLC makes no

representations or warranties regarding the success of an Affiliate, the

number of sales an Affiliate may achieve, or the condition or quality of the

product. Changing Courses 11, LLC does not guarantee any revenues,

profits, or successes to its Affiliate.

The Affiliate is responsible for all aspects of the development, content,

operation, marketing, promotion, advertising or else of its website or platform

so long as it is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement

and all federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, or guidelines.

Changing Courses 11, LLC is not responsible for any claims, damages, or

losses arising out of or related to an Affiliate’s participation in the Affiliate

Program. Affiliate agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Changing Courses

11, LLC from any and all third-party claims, liability, damages, expenses,

and costs arising from the Affiliate’s participation in the Affiliate Program.


represents and warrants that it has all rights, powers, and authority to enter

into this Agreement, that you understand the terms and conditions herein,

and that you have the ability to perform the obligations under this


Affiliate represents and warrants that its execution of this Agreement and its

performance herein does not violate or conflict with any other agreement to

which they are a party to or any applicable federal, state, or local laws, rules,

regulations, and guidelines.

Affiliate represents and warrants that all statements, claims, information,

and representations provided to Changing Courses 11, LLC through use of

the Roadmap Exclusive, participation in the Affiliate Program, and otherwise

are truthful and accurate.

Affiliate represents that, where necessary, any required licenses, permits, or

other authorizations are in good standing and compliant in accordance with

applicable federal, state, and local laws.

Affiliate represents and warrants that they are responsible for staying

compliant with any federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations,

guidelines, and requirements that apply to participation in the Affiliate6


11. CONFIDENTIALITY. “Confidential Information” means any proprietary or

confidential information disclosed by one party (“Disclosing Party”) to the

other party (“Receiving Party”) that is either marked “Confidential” or

otherwise reasonably understood to be confidential given the circumstances

of the disclosure. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to,

information related to Changing Courses 11 and their product, Roadmap

Exclusive’s business, operations, products, customers, plans, finances,

software, or any other information that is not publicly known but Affiliate

has access to throughout their participation in the Affiliate Program.

The Affiliate shall hold the Confidential Information in strict confidence and

shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior

written consent of Changing Courses 11. Affiliate agrees that a breach of

confidentiality will leave Changing Courses 11 suffering irreparable injury

and damage in which there is no adequate legal remedy. Affiliate agrees that

a breach, or threatened breach, of confidentiality by Affiliate allows Changing

Courses 11 to see injunctive relief or other equitable relief as a remedy

without the necessity of proving actual damages or posting bond.

12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Changing Courses 11, LLC retains all

rights and ownership in all intellectual property including, but not limited to,

copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, confidential

information, and other proprietary rights of Changing Courses 11, LLC,

Roadmap Exclusive, and any other product owned by Changing Courses 11.

This Agreement grants the Affiliate a limited, non-exclusive, non-

transferrable license to use the Roadmap Exclusive product within the scope

of the Affiliate Program and the terms of this Agreement. Affiliate may not

sub-license any intellectual property covered in this Agreement without the

prior written consent of Changing Courses 11, LLC.

Affiliate shall not remove any proprietary notices or marks displayed on any

of Changing Courses 11, LLC’s intellectual property or promote or advertise

the Roadmap Exclusive product without any proprietary notices or marks

present on the intellectual property. Changing Courses 11, LLC has the sole

right to enforce its intellectual property rights in their intellectual property.

Affiliate agrees that infringing on intellectual property rights will leave

Changing Courses 11 suffering irreparable injury and damage in which there

is no adequate legal remedy. Affiliate agrees that intellectual property7

infringement by Affiliate allows Changing Courses 11 to see injunctive relief

or other equitable relief as a remedy without the necessity of proving actual

damages or posting bond.


a. Affiliates shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws,

regulations, and policies in connection with participation in the

Affiliate Program including, without limitation, any laws, rules, or

regulations governed by the Federal Trade Commission and the

Federal Trade Commission Act.

b. Affiliates agree that any advertising and marketing communications

and promotions of Roadmap Exclusive or any other Changing Courses

11, LLC products within the Affiliate Program will be truthful and

compliant with the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements

and Testimonials in Advertising. Any deceptive or misleading

advertising or marketing practices are not endorsed or supported by

Changing Courses 11, LLC and shall lead to your termination as an

Affiliate per Section 8 of this Agreement.

c. Affiliates agree that while advertising and promoting products within

the Affiliate Program, the Affiliate will clearly and conspicuously

disclose its relationship with Changing Courses 11, LLC and that the

Affiliate is receiving compensation for any purchases made through

their advertising, marketing, and promotion of Roadmap Exclusive or

any other Affiliate Program products.

d. Affiliates shall maintain adequate substantiation to support any

claims made about Roadmap Exclusive, Changing Courses 11, LLC or

any other affiliated product or service. Affiliates shall cooperate with

any request made by Changing Courses 11, LLC, customers, or

governmental agencies to substantiate any claims made by the

Affiliate regarding, but not limited to, quality of the product or service,

the amount of commission made by the affiliate, the advertising and

marketing practices of the Affiliate, and the relationship between the

Affiliate and Changing Courses 11, LLC.

e. Changing Courses 11, LLC reserves the right to review, monitor, or

otherwise approve any advertising or marketing materials created by

and published or intended to be published by the Affiliate. Changing8

Courses 11, LLC reserves the right to request changes of Affiliate’s

marketing materials for compliance purposes and Affiliate agrees to

either make any requested changes promptly or remove the non-

compliant advertising or marketing materials within seven (7) days of

Changing Courses 11, LLC’s request.

14. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. This Agreement does not grant Affiliate a

license to the Roadmap Exclusive product, or any other product created by

Changing Courses 11, LLC. Roadmap Exclusive and other Changing Courses

11 products are protected by intellectual property rights and belong solely to

Changing Courses 11, LLC. Affiliates agree not to copy, sell, distribute,

lease, assign, rent, or create derivative works from any Roadmap Exclusive

content or other products created by Changing Courses 11, LLC. Affiliate use

is strictly limited to the promotion and advertising of the Roadmap Exclusive

product according to the terms of this Agreement.

15. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement is between the Affiliate and Changing

Courses 11, LLC. The Affiliate agrees not to assign or transfer, whether by

gift, merger, sale, control, or otherwise to another person or company without

the prior written consent of Changing Courses 11, LLC. Changing Courses

11, LLC has the right to assign this Agreement to another person or company

by way of gift, merger, sale, transferring control, or otherwise.


a. AMENDMENT. Changing Courses 11, LLC may update and change

any part or all of this Agreement, including and up to replacement in

its entirety. If an update or change to this Agreement is made, the

updated Agreement will be made available to you and will become

effective on the next business day after you have been notified of the

change. The date of the updated Agreement will become the new

effective date of the Agreement. If an Affiliate does not agree to the

terms of the updated Agreement, the Affiliate can choose to terminate

the Agreement per the terms of the Agreement.

b. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and

governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee. If either party

initiates an action in connection with this Agreement, the exclusive

jurisdiction and venue shall be in either the Circuit Court for

Williamson County, Tennessee, or the United States District Court for9

the Middle of Tennessee.

c. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Should a dispute arise in connection with

this Agreement, and after a good-faith attempt by the Parties or their

respective agents to resolve such dispute, the Parties agree to attend

mediation in accordance with Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 31 before

commencing any further legal proceedings.

Mediation will be governed by a Rule 31 Mediator and held in

Williamson County, Tennessee within thirty (30) days of notice of

mediation being given to a party unless otherwise agreed to, in

writing, by the parties. The Parties shall share the cost of mediation


If the parties cannot agree on a mediator within ten (10) days of notice

of mediation being given to a party, the parties must notify a court of

competent jurisdiction and the court shall nominate a Rule 31

Mediator according to Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 31, Section 4(b).

d. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party shall be liable for any failure or

delay in performance under this Agreement due to causes, including

but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil or military authority, fires,

epidemics, floods, earthquakes, riots, wars, sabotage, third party

industrial disputes, pandemics, electrical, internet, or

telecommunications outages, and government actions that are beyond

the reasonable control and without the fault or negligence of either

Party. Each Party will make reasonable efforts to mitigate the damage

as a result of such an event.

e. SEVERABILITY. In the event any part of this Agreement is

determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent

jurisdiction or applicable law, then the invalid or unenforceable

provision will be superseded by a valid or enforceable provision that

most closely mirrors the intent of the original and the remainder of the

Agreement shall be deemed to be in full force and effect.

f. INDEMNIFICATION. Affiliate agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold

harmless Changing Courses 11, LLC against any third-party action or

proceeding brought against us, our officers, employees, agents, owners,

licensors, and affiliates by a third party not affiliated with Changing

Courses 11, LLC to the extent that the action or proceeding arises out10

of your participation in the Affiliate program, your negligence, your

noncompliance with this Agreement or applicable laws, or any other

actions done by you or your agents. You or your agents shall not

accept any settlement that imposes any obligation or liability onto

Changing Courses 11, LLC or requires us to make an admission,

perform any action, or pay any settlement without the prior written

consent of Changing Courses 11, LLC.

g. COSTS AND EXPENSES. In the event it becomes reasonably

necessary for Changing Courses 11 to institute any legal proceedings,

litigation, mediation, or other dispute resolution of any kind to enforce

its provision(s) of this Agreement, Changing Courses 11 shall be

entitled to a judgement for its reasonable attorney’s fees, expenses,

and costs if it is the prevailing party in any such legal proceedings,

litigation, mediation, or other dispute resolution of any kind.

h. NOTICES. Notices will be sent to the contact addresses set forth

herein and will be considered delivered upon receipt:

To Changing Courses 11, LLC: 725 Cool Springs Boulevard, Suite 600,

Franklin, TN 37067.

To you: The address provided in our affiliate account information for

you along with electronic notice being delivered to you via the email

address on record in our account information for you.

i. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is intended to be the entire

agreement between the Affiliate and Changing Courses 11, LLC. This

Agreement supersedes any prior agreement between the parties

related to the subject matter herein. The terms of this Agreement are

intended to be the only terms of the Agreement between the parties

and proposed changes to current terms or additional or different

proposed terms will not be considered or accepted by Changing

Courses 11.

j. AUTHORITY. Each party represents and warrants that they have the

full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and that it is

binding upon each party and enforceable according to the terms herein.